5 Preventative Gynecology Appointment FAQs

Taking charge of your reproductive health can start with just a simple phone call – scheduling your first preventative gynecology appointment.

In this blog post, we’ll tackle some of the most common questions about preventative gynecology and what you can expect from the appointment.

1. What Is Preventative Gynecology, and When Should I Start?

Preventative gynecology focuses on maintaining health and detecting any potential health issues before they become serious. At your appointment, your doctor will conduct a general exam and discuss any concerns you might have.

It's recommended that young women have their first preventative gynecology visit between the ages of 13 and 15. This is the perfect time to build a comfortable relationship with your doctor and to start routine examinations.

2. What Screenings Are Commonly Conducted at a Preventative Gynecology Appointment?

Part of your preventative gynecology appointment may include certain screenings. The nature of the screenings will vary depending on your age, family medical history, and lifestyle factors.

Common screenings include Pap smears, pelvic exams, breast exams, and discussion around sexually transmitted infection (STI) risks.

For older patients, tests for human papillomavirus (HPV) and mammograms may also become routine.

3. Do I Need to Prepare or Bring Anything for My Appointment?

It’s a good idea to jot down any questions or concerns before your visit.

You should also be prepared to share your family history, list any medications or supplements you're taking, and be open about your health habits.

Comfortable clothes can also make the exam portion simpler.

4. Will My Visit Be Covered by Insurance?

In many cases, your preventative gynecology appointment will be covered in full by your health insurance. That said, it's always best to check with your provider beforehand.

If your insurance requires a co-pay or if you're uninsured, many clinics offer sliding scales or payment plans to make sure cost isn't a barrier to care.

5. How Often Should I Schedule Preventative Appointments?

The frequency of your visits will be determined by your doctor based on your individual health needs. However, general guidelines suggest annual visits for most women, though this may change based on screenings, vaccinations, age, and health factors.

Schedule an Appointment Today!

Ready to take the next step? If so, please call our office today to schedule an appointment with one of our top-notch OBGYN specialists!