At What Age Should I Be Going to See an OBGYN?

Like many young women, you may be wondering: At what age should I be going to see an OBGYN?

The question of when to first visit the obstetrician-gynecologist (OBGYN) is a crucial, and it's often shrouded in myths and misconceptions. Ensuring good reproductive health requires early intervention and navigating these waters with nuance and understanding.

Here's your comprehensive guide to your first OBGYN visit.

At What Age Should I Be Going to See an OBGYN?

Are you wondering: At what age should I be going to see an OBGYN?

While the traditional age range for a girl's first visit to the OBGYN has been around 15 to 18, but the right time varies for each individual and their unique health requirements.

Look out for signs such as:

·      Irregular menstrual cycles—especially those that are particularly painful or heavy

·      Development of secondary sexual characteristics that should be tracked by a professional

·      If you are sexually active or are contemplating becoming sexually active

·      Persistent pelvic pain or discomfort

·      History of gynecological problems within your family

Preparing for Your First OBGYN Appointment

Feeling prepared is essential for easing the any anxiety surrounding your first OBGYN appointment.

Here's what you can do to get ready:

  • Research the OBGYN: Find a practitioner who comes highly recommended and with whom you feel comfortable.

  • Gather information: Include any pertinent medical history or family gynecological issues.

  • Mentally prepare: Understand the sort of questions you may be asked, and the range of potential exams and tests.

What to Expect During Your First Visit

The purpose of your first visit is twofold: To establish a baseline for your reproductive health, and to familiarize you with the preventative and contraceptive options available to you: Expect a discussion about your medical history and any concerns you may have.

  • You will likely undergo a pelvic exam and, possibly, a Pap smear.

  • Contraception will be discussed, along with any relevant sexual health topics.

Schedule an Initial OBGYN Visit

If you’re ready for an initial OBGYN visit, please call our office today to schedule an appointment with one of our highly skilled and experienced providers.