Your PCOS Specialist in Laurel, MD Sets the Record Straight About These 3 Myths

Certain medical conditions can have a significant impact on your life, and when diagnosed, it's natural to seek knowledge and understanding about them.

Polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS, is a good example. With so much misleading information on the internet, it’s time you had the facts from a leading PCOS specialist in Laurel, MD. 

  • MYTH: PCOS Is Your Fault

FACT: The exact cause of PCOS isn’t known, but one thing is sure - you did nothing to cause it. It may be linked to genetics. If your female relatives have or have had it, there is a greater chance you’ll have it too. 

One of the most common endocrine problems among women of reproductive age, polycystic ovary syndrome is essentially a hormonal disorder. With this condition, the ovaries may develop multiple small cysts (fluid-filled sacs), hence the name "polycystic." 

PCOS is characterized by an imbalance of reproductive hormones, particularly estrogen and progesterone.

  • MYTH: Losing Weight Will Cure PCOS

FACT: Sadly, there is currently no cure for PCOS. However, losing weight may help you manage the symptoms. A combination of a balanced diet, regular exercise, and lifestyle changes can be beneficial for managing PCOS and promoting better health.

Additional treatment options include various prescription medications. Your PCOS specialist in Laurel, MD will recommend treatment best suited to your specific needs. 

  • MYTH: Pregnancy and PCOS Can’t Co-Exist

FACT: Individual experiences with PCOS vary, and it's essential to explore fertility treatment options. Consulting your specialist can lead to discussions about various medications that can stimulate ovulation. Assisted reproductive technologies like in vitro fertilization are also considered a viable fertility treatment.

Are You Searching for a PCOS Specialist in Laurel, MD? End Your Search Now and Make THIS Call!

Call Capital Women's Care today at 410-314-0001! Our providers specialize in PCOS treatment to effectively manage symptoms, minimize the risk of additional health issues, and provide support for women who wish to conceive and have children.

While polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a prevalent cause of infertility in women, it is also treatable so don’t give up hope. Help is just a phone call away!